Thursday, April 26, 2012
Fit In
© May 2011
(dedicated to the child who wants to be included)
By Feona Sharhran Huff
I sit alone
Everybody else
Enjoying each other’s company
Why can’t I be down?
Don’t they see me?
Invisible, I’m NOT
I’m just across the table
But their backs are turned
Turn around
Read my face
Hear my heart
Smell my longing
Let me in
In honor of
April being "National Poetry Month", I will be posting poems penned
by myself as well as other powerful people in my circle throughout the month.
Enjoy them. Share yours at and I will surely post
them on Powerhouse Media Group's site.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 12:40 PM
I Love Being a Girl
(c) March 2011
By Feona Sharhran Huff
I love being a girl
and all that it entails
the fact of the matter is that
I wear the title very well
I love dolling up in blue A-line dresses
that stop above my legs
I love silver stilleto heels
and the absolute thrill
of turing everyone of your heads
I love when my lip gloss is poppin
in cotton candy pink or butterscotch rum
I love when men break their necks to open doors
give up their seats on the train
so I can maintain my delicate stature
I love being treated like the queen that I am
Not like some garden apparatus
I love being a girl to show other girls what it's all about
Let them know that pumps are fine
Timberlands have their day
if you want to climb
I love getting manicures and pedicures at the same time
Pampering is what makes a girl a dime
I love walking into a room just as cool as I please
and have folks reciting Maya Angelou's "Phenemenal Woman"
as they fall down on their knees
I love slipping on slacks
in which I flext my curves
size 2, thank you
and after two babies?
That's crazy
but true
Being a girl allows me to rock it like I do
I love being a girl
because feminity takes me places
expands my spaces
I'm not trapped in a box with a limited view
I can see all the signs and wonders
I get it in, oh yes I do
I love being a girl
I can say it enough times
Now embrace your girlie girl
Repeat my rhyme
but this time
consider that the poem is about you
I just love..... being a girl!
In honor of April being "National Poetry Month", I will be posting poems penned by myself as well as other powerful people in my circle throughout the month. Enjoy them. Share yours at and I will surely post them on Powerhouse Media Group's site.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 3:13 AM
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Infinity Publishing Has Signed On as a Sponsor for "Find YOUR Voice" Mini Conference

THIS JUST IN: Infinity Publishing has signed on as a sponsor for the "Find YOUR Voice" mini conference on May 23, 2012. In addition, the publishing company's Founder & CEO, Winter Giovanni
will be a presenter and share how she found her voice. If you're interested in helping the women of Hampton Roads discover their calling, become a sponsor, make a donation, volunteer for the two-hour event and/or be in attendance. For more information, to receive a registration form and/or to get involved, please email me at ~Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 8:47 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
POWERHOUSE POINTER #51 (Know Your Involvement)
"Know the part you play in a situation and stop playing victim. No one can truly take advantage of you of you don't position yourself for the "fool's hat". ~Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powehouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 2:16 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2012
“Call Me Ms. Nappy”
© April 19, 2012
Ms. Nappy I am
And happy I be
No one can rock this twisted mohawk more diligently than me
It’s natural
It’s classy
It’s unorthodox
It’s sassy
It speaks volumes of who I am
It embodies all that I need to be
What is that you ask?
It’s all natural ba-by
Not knocking anyone with chemicals
To each her own I say
But the way I feel about what God gave me
Perms get the five-finger wave
Oh no, that’s not for me
Strength is in my mane
Confidence is her name
Powerful is how I feel
If you’re natural, you know the deal
My hair is 100 percent free
To flow as it please
One day I may cut it off
A month later grow it back
Midway in the year shave the sides and leave a bit in the middle
Twist it up and make my hair giggle
Take them out by my December birthday and rock a fro
Oh, I don’t know
What I do know?
I have choices
There’s no limitation on my hair
Natural is versatility
It’s celebratory
It’s extraordinary
It’s me
Let me say it again
Call me Ms. Nappy
Two snaps and a twist cause I’m most certainly happy
In honor of April being "National Poetry Month", I will be posting poems penned by myself as well as other powerful people in my circle throughout the month. Enjoy them. Share yours at and I will surely post them on Powerhouse Media Group's site.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 4:55 AM
POWERHOUSE POINTER #50 (Don't Put Me on a Pedestal)
"Celebrate my accomplishments but please DO NOT put me on a pedestal. I am not perfect. I sometimes make mistakes, have shortcomings and have areas upon which to improve. This way, when something happens that you don't "LIKE", you'll know the difference of whether to excuse me because I'm human or ostracize me because you put me way up there where only God can stand." ~Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 3:52 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Au Natural Hair is Powerful
This evening, I was so blessed to become an official cast member of the forthcoming documentary “Ms. Nappy Combs: Her Journey Her Natural Hair”. This history making project is the brainchild and is being executive produced by my childhood friend and fellow creative powerhouse Poetikk Justice (posed with me to the left) along with Inez Kelley and Don Trump. As African-American women, our hair is associated with our glory. That being the case, the outlook of our hair texture is deeply rooted with both praise and pain, particularly with regards to being natural. Some – like me – embrace the natural look as a sign of confidence, strength, freedom, creative expression, power, appreciation, ancestral respect, history and peace while others see it as a nappy, kinky, course, wild and untamable mane.
From the moment that I entered the doors of the room where we primarily did our film shooting at the Huntersville Community Center in Norfolk, VA, to the time I left, there was no denying that the women who are also a part of “Ms. Nappy Combs” crew love the natural look in all its exquisite forms – from locks to twists, to fros and low-low cuts. I am full of joy to know that women like my childhood friend and church homegirl Charity Gibson as well as Papyllion Nu, Sheeba, Kim and others I met are on the same page. They are clear that their natural hair tells the story to the truth of who they are and why they are unafraid to be who they are and represent this knowing through their hair.
What I appreciate about what Poetikk Justice and the production team is doing with this documentary is in the fact that they are sharing the journey, struggles, triumphs and lessons learned of Black women who dared to go natural in a world that’s so bent on deeming permed hair as the epitome of beauty. This documentary tells the side of why natural hair is truly a beautiful thing like it’s never been told before. My fellow cast members and I are commitment to encouraging women to embrace what God gave them and to rock it with fierce intensity. There is so much that will come out of seeing this film when it finally hits a film festival or DVD near you! Just wait and see. I will be blogging about the progress of this project. Stay encouraged because au natural hair is powerful.
If you would like more information about "Ms. Nappy Combs: Her Journey Her Natural Hair", email Poetikk Justice at Labels: au natural hair, going natural, kinky hair, nappy hair, natural hair, no perms
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 8:46 PM
POWERHOUSE POINTER #49 (What's Your Backup Plan?!)

"This evening I will be attending a casting call for a natural hair documentary called Ms. Nappy Combs: Her Journey Her Natural Hair" in Norfolk, VA. I was scheduled this morning to get my mohawk retwisted by the fiercest female barber in Virginia. However, when I called the shop to confirm me coming in, I was told that she was sick and wouldn't be coming in. I then called my barber on her cell. She apologized for not being able to do my hair due to her illness. I understood. But, I was a bit disappointed. That's because she knows how to truly hook up my hair in a way I've never seen it done. So what was I going to do next? Thankfully, I have two other barbers as a backup when my NUMERO UNO isn't available. I just made my appointment and will be heading out in a few to get my 'do right! This is a lesson for us all in every area of our life. We must make sure that we have a backup plan because we never know when emergencies will come up, things fall apart and the things we planned won't go our way. Have a backup plan will always save the day. It surely did for me. I'm looking forward to tonight and I feel great that I'm going to walk in their with a fresh cut. If you're a woman with natural hair living in the Hampton Roads area and want to attend tonight's casting call, it will take place from 6 to 8 pm at Huntersville Community Center, 830 Goff Street, Norfolk, VA 23504. Prior to coming, please email Tanya "Poetikk Justice" Shell (one of the executive producers) with two photos of you before you had natural hair and two photos currently with natural hair as well as a short bio to Good luck! See you there!" ~Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 9:37 AM
The Time is NOW to Build Your Empire!
A friend from my other home (New York City) in boxed me through Facebook this morning to inquire about how I was doing. I replied that I am busy building my empire. Then, I asked what was he up to. He said school and work, but that his empire would have to wait. This was my response to him...
"No it doesn't. You can work on little steps NOW. Otherwise, you'll never make the time to do it. It can be done in between. If there is something that you really desire to do, it is possible to start the process and see the progress., It doesn't have to be quick but a steady and activating journey."
If you're reading this, I implore you to waste no time getting started on or building up your empire. It's a "State of Emergency" to get started but not a 911 situation to accomplish it in a nanosecond. That's why I must stay the course and continue to encourage others to do the same. And, if you're a woman living in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, that's why you must attend my "Find YOUR Voice" mini conference so that you can find your voice and build your empire through it. ~ Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 9:09 AM

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