Wednesday, June 13, 2012
"Bartering is a basic principle founded many years ago that still holds value today. The key to exchanging a service for a service is that all parties involved equally benefit. The way the economy is now, we should be open to barter with each other. For example, if you offer hairstyling services, you may want to barter with a photographer. You hook up her hair and so conduct your photo shoot (so long as the monetary value you would have exchanged is even). So consider this business method which existed long before money was invented. In the end, if you do it right, everybody wins." ~ Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 8:19 AM
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
"I've been used, talked about, lied on, left out, denied, overlooked, cheated, etc. However, I will not stop walking my walk or singing continual praises to God for His favor and agape love. In His timing, everything is made right. I want to encourage you today to keep holding on, pursuing, believig, loving, laughing, creating, grinding, dreaming, seeking, grabbing and pressing onward." ~ Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 8:14 AM
POWERHOUSE POINTER (Create Your Opportunity)
"Don't wait for something to happen, take the initiative to make it happen. When you do this, you better position yourself for success on your terms. I know plenty of people embracing this route. It will change your life and the scope of your business when you do. You ready?!" ~ Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 8:07 AM
Monday, June 11, 2012
Find YOUR Voice!
Have you discovered your calling in life? Four women shared their journey to finding their voice at Powerhouse Media Group's recent "Find YOUR Voice" workshop. Check out the photo footage. There will be another session in the coming months. If this workshop peaks your interest and you'd like more information, please email us or call us at (757) 202-3264.
Poetikk Justice of Renaissance Woman Productions LLC
delivered a mind-blowing presentation
Min Shontae Johnson shared her journey to finding her voice
and why other women must find theirs now.
Songwriter and singer Sheila Holman talked about
finding her voice in singing as a child.
Spoken Word Artist Blu engaged the audience with an
Ice Breaker activity to help them find their poetic voice.
These ladies of Hampton Roads, VA, are listening intently to what the
presenters are saying about discovering one's calling or purpose in life.
These women are tuning in intently to get savvy advice
on finding their voice.
The presentation is getting good to these
lovely ladies of Hampton Roads, VA.
Presenter and Spoken Word Artist Blu is getting inspired
by her fellow presenter to continue to share her voice.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 9:32 AM
"Do you know how to let go of a toxic relationship, friendship, working environment or anything else that causes you emotional, mental, spiritual or physical harm? If not, here's some simple but savvy advice that I personally adhere to... LET GO! The longer you hold on, the longer you're going to suffer, get sick, cry your eyes out, develop ulcers, lose your hair, go gray, age poorly, etc. Your life is precious. Those who you let in as well as the things you do and the work you engage in should mirror you. Take a stand, say "NO MORE" and let the door usher drama, pain and heartache goodbye. Now, go on and live your life in peace."
~ Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 12:04 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2012
I'm Writing My Vision and I'm Making It Plain
What are you doing about your dreams and goals? Are you writing them down so that you can make them plain? If not, you need to get busy. If you're in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, I can help you facilitate this. Come out to Powerhouse Media Group's workshop "I'm Writing My Vision and I'm Making It Plain" on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 from 6 pm to 8 pm at The Indian River Public Library. The cost of the event is $10 (includes supplies).
At my previous workshop, the attendees (see photos below) had a wonderful time seeing their desires come to life on poster board. Now, they have a visual that they can look at everyday to keep them on track with manifesting their desires. This can be you, too.
To RSVP the vision board workshop "I'm Writing My Vision and I'm Making It Plain", please email your name and contact info to: can pay in advance via Paypal to: Tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, family members and all who you care about. It's time to move from speaking about what you want to having it.
The only way to change this is to take action. Write your vision. Make it plain. Do it NOW!
"What I got from out of [Powerhouse Media Group's] workshop was that I can dream outside of the box and that you should write or draw your dreams and/or goals on paper". ~ Tionna G.
"I gained a brand new aspect of persistence". ~ Nyisha J.
"It made you think. It was motivation and a reminder to push toward accomplishing your goals". ~ Genenieve C.
"I'm so proud of these ladies. They have written their visions. Now, they are working to make them plain". ~ Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder & CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 6:25 PM

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