While challenging a friend to take immediate steps toward bringing about the change that she so desires, I was reminded of the concept that it takes 21 days to change a habit. Thus, when you do something consistently for 21 days straight -- whether empowering or not -- it becomes a habit. The question is which type of habits do you want to embrace.
So, the idea to put in place "The Create a Change Challenge" was born. So begin
ning today (Oct 27, 2011), I want you to write down the habit that you'd like to change (Example: Stop eating fast food) and replace it with the habit that you actually want in your life (Example: Eating home-cooked meals). This will require discipline, accountability, dedication and seriousness. It will also require that you journal your progress, thoughts, feelings, etc. This challenge is about you and you truly living an empowered life.
Ready, Set... Take the Challenge!
PS: At the end of the 21 days, I want you to email me a letter detailing what your experience was like and if you've met the challenge with flying colors. You will be profiled on www.stepintoyourpower.net.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 10:43 AM
THIS JUST IN: Carolyn "Empress Poetry" Layne has been added to the lineup of empowering entertainment at The State of the Solo Mommy Address. She will deliver poetry to uplift, engage and welcome change! Please join us. Secure your space NOW. Check ot the event here:
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 11:10 AM
This morning, I woke up at 4:30 am. I was especially excited about this Sunday because I felt like God had a particular message for me. I put on a ministry CD and allowed the music to speak to my Spirit. Then, I got quiet and began reading the Book of Esther in the Holy Bible. I was bubbling with joy because the story of Esther’s courage was empowering. By the time I ate breakfast and showered, it was 7:30. I had planned to go to the church of one of my childhood play-play parents. I called up their daughter and asked if she was going but because she had something to do after church she wouldn’t be able to bring me home and I didn’t know the bus route in the Norfolk area.
Okay, Plan B. I decided that I’d go to the church of one of my college homegirls, Kesha. Since she said the church usually is packed by 9:30 am, I figured I’d be an early bird and left out the house to beat the line to get in. I got dolled up for the Lord’s house and made my way to the bus stop. I wasn’t sure what time the bus came, but I knew it couldn’t be any more than 30 minutes. I had a book to read to occupy my wait time so I wasn’t worried. After looking down the highway a few times, an older gentleman called for me and said the bus didn’t run until 12:30 pm. What?????????????! This couldn’t be happening. Here I was trying to get to the House of God and transportation seemed to be standing in my way. I felt a bit defeated and perplexed as to my next move. I didn’t have a car and I wasn’t sure if I had enough to catch a cab.
I made an about-face and went in the direction of the shopping plaza. Perhaps, I thought, I could get some minor shopping in. That obviously wasn’t in God’s plan for me because the shops didn’t open until 10 am, and at this point, I was going to have an hour and a half wait. I walked some more and ended up in front of The Dollar Tree, which opened up at 9 am. When the doors finally opened, I went in and took my time looking around. After an hour of browsing, I picked up a few needed items and proceeded to walk home. Then it dawned on me that perhaps I should try the church adjacent from my apartment complex. I hadn’t considered the church before since I was set on attending the churches that I was familiar with. I looked up at the church billboard and it indicated that service started at 10:15 am. Well, it was 10:06 am according to my cell phone. I had no excuse and if I truly felt like God had a Word for me, what was my problem?
I hesitated for a minute than mustered up the courage to walk through the church doors. I was immediately greeted by a man and a woman. I was given a visitor’s slip and a bulletin, then directed toward the sanctuary. Though it was unchartered territory, I felt the presence of the Lord in the building and I felt at ease. I eased right into the praise and worship portion of service. Then Ted came before the congregation to speak on the topic, “Remember Who You Are” and I began taking notes. At the conclusion of the teaching, here’s what I received:
“God knows who you are. And, God sees you are capable of being redeemed because He chose you. Therefore, you can face anything. You can have a different perspective on how to handle a situation. God has made you a co-heir with Jesus Christ.”
Oh my, I thought to myself. This is it. This is what God wanted me to get today. It’s in alignment with the journey I am on, too. There are some things that I’m dealing with and through Ted, I believe God was beckoning me to remember who I am in Him so that I can continue to walk in faith and assuredness for His word does not lie.
So you see… The very church that I had tried to avoid was the very one that gave me the word I needed to hear from my Father. When you feel down in your soul and Spirit that God has something for you to receive, don’t allow yourself to get in the way. Go get it. Then use the message to build a closer relationship with Jesus.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 1:52 PM

Feona Sharhran Huff and
Solo Mommy Magazine proudly present
"The State of the Solo Mommy Address (Where Does She Go From Here?)." This event will bring together people dedicated to the empowerment of single moms to address pressing issues that affect them on a daily basis such as raising a boy to be a man, the backup plan, child support, the pursuit of career/entrepreneurship, and help this parenting group to successfully naviga
te the "solo" mommy life with powerful and applicable strategies.
Panelists include: Cathleen E. Williams, Esq., (author of "Single Mother The New Father Vol 1: Sports"), Sally Stewart (Arbonne), Pastor Kenneth Basnight, Kathy Elliot (author of "Success: How Dare You Give Up?"), Geneva Farrow (A Young Mother's D.R.E.A.M), Brandy Adamson (ALIVE Magazine), Joel Austin (Daddy University Inc) and Lorrie Ayers (parent coordinator, PS 305).
Entertainment will be delivered by Sheila Holman of Virginia and Endless Army Thunder Katz of Brooklyn, NY.
Lucinda Cross of Corporate Mom Drop Outs and Praying Moms will be the moderator.
Sponsors include: Powerhouse Media Group, Sisters with a Goal (SWAG), Totten Treats, ShaChena Gibbs, Thunder Katz, Ask Bonique and ALIVE Magazine.
Tickets are $20 in advance ($25 at the door).
For more information, please contact Feona Sharhran Huff at (347) 386-9206, solomommymag@yahoo.com or powerhouse4ever@gmail.com.
Visit www.livingthesolomommylife.com for event updates.
You don't want to miss this incredible opportunity to be changed forever. Secure your seat today!
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 12:56 PM
When I wake up in the morning, I'm so excited. That's because I know that my Father has something special for me. And, I'm expecting it. I'm expecting Him to bless me so that I can be a blessing to someone else. I'm expecting Him to expand my territory so that I can do more for my famiily and community. I'm expecting Him to do more than I could ever imagine for myself. So, what are you expecitng? Expect the best, I say. It's coming!
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 9:16 AM