Tuesday, December 23, 2014


8 Tips for Beating the Holiday Blues & Beyond

Written by Feona Sharhran Huff
Depression gets real during the holidays and rears its ugly head throughout our days, weeks and months. However, we don't have to succumb to it. We must put up our dukes and fight to win. Here are eight tips you get you going in the right direction...

1. Journal: Let it all out - the good, the bad, the whatever. Don't censor what you write just write.

2. Write a letter/card to someone you care about and hand-deliver it.

3. Take a sabbatical: A lot of times we get depressed because we're burned out from trying to save the world. Take a time out from doing anything so you cam get refreshed and renewed. If you don't give to yourself the gift of rest, who will?!

4. Make it your business to surround yourself with friends and loved ones. Isolation and barricading yourself in the house won't help your situation.

5. Talk it out: Holding in pain, hurt, grief and the likes is toxic. In order to beat depression, you have to release what's eating away at you.

6. Celebrate and love on others who have done the same for you all year long: It’s pretty hard to be depressed when you're focused on someone else.

7. Feed someone's belly and spirit: If you love to cook (and are good at it!), fix a meal for someone you care for while also telling them how much they mean to you.

8. Create your own tradition: You don't have to follow the status quo if that's what leads to you becoming depressed. Make up your own holiday celebration and make it an annual situation.


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