Today was very special for me. I had the opportunity to co-facilitate a career exploration workshop at Oscar Smith Middle School with my alma mater's assistant director of career services Melody M. Iannone at the Chesapeake Commonwealth's Attorney's 2013 Girls & Young Women's Empowerment Conference.
Melody and I spoke to 19 teen girls to get them thinking about and planning for their career interests. We each had 15 minutes to empower them. Melody presented first - kicking things off with an ice breaker that every girl participated in. I concluded the workshop by having them to write down a career goal on one side of a white sheet of paper and drawing a picture of what the career looks like on the other side. Then, I had them to present their goals before their peers. I was very proud that 8 young ladies volunteered to do this. Their career aspirations included being a WNBA player, graphic artist, restaurant owner, vetenarian and OB-GYN. Borrowing from my two hour long workshop "I'm Writing My Vision and I'm Making It Plain", I told the girls that there are four steps to achieving their career goals: 1) Write it, 2) Draw it, 3) Believe it and (4) Execute it.
I was inspired by their career focus as well as their willingness to be engaged in the workshop. I look forward to hearing that their goals came to fruition.
Thank you to my shero and Sister-in-Christ Marlene Bright for recommending me as a presenter for this conference. You know how much I love our young ladies. Thank you to Mrs. Nancy Parr - whose office sponsored the empowerment conference - and her caring staff members Mary and Anika for accepting me as a presenter and doing a great job on making today a positive experience. I really appreciated the lovely "Thank You" card that Mrs. Parr hand delivered to me after the workshop.
I am inspired. I am empowered. I am dedicated to inspiring and empowering our youth. If you'd like me to speak to your group, email me at or call me at (757) 202-3264.
In service to our youth,
Feona Sharhran Huff
Founder & CEO
Powerhouse Media Group (PMG)
"When you step into your power, you become a powerhouse"

Melody M. Iannone, Assistant Director of Career Services at Norfolk State University,
really gave the girls some great career advice to consider.
The girls were truly engaged in our workshop.
She's such an involved mom!
She sat in on our workshop while her daughter was empowered!
Me and Melody (a counselor at Tidewater Community College)
Here's Melody at Tidewater Community College's table.
The college has some amazing women's programming.
Me and Chesapeake Commonwealth Attorney's Mrs. Nancy Parr
Thank you for the wonderful "Thank You" note Mrs. Nancy Parr.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 3:00 PM
"Don't censor or fall back on your gifts and talents simply because someone else may not approve. Who cares?!!! It is not their place to say what is good or not anyway. If they don't like it, they don't have to engage in it, be a part of it or support it. It's as simple as that... NEXT!" ~ Feona Sharhran Huff
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 1:47 PM
Visual Artist/Aspiring Actress Clara Huff and Miss United States 2011/Channel 13 News Daybreak Reporter Ashley Smith
Less than a month ago, there was a disheartening report on the news about a 12-year-old girl from Florida who had been cyber bullied for an entire year. She eventually changed her Facebook name to "Dead Girl" and sometime later climbed onto a tower and plunged to her death. She was only a year younger than my first born Clara Huff.
As a mom, educator and youth motivator, this hits home for me. That is why Powerhouse Media Group (PMG) will be conducting our "Say Bye-Bye to Bullying" workshop on Saturday, December 21, 2013 from 11 am to 1 pm at the Indian River Public Library (Chesapeake, VA). Youth ages 10-14 will be engaged in activities that will help them to recognize the many forms of bullying (verbal, physical, cyber, alienation, etc), encourage them to take a stand for themselves and learn how to assist their peers who are being bullied.
Clara Huff will be deliver her original monologue "Ghost", which speaks from the voice of youth being bullied through alienation. An anti-bullying PSA will be screened and there will be a special singing performance by a fellow youth.
Miss United States 2011 and current 13 News daybreak traffic reporter Ashley Smith is the workshop's special invited guest. Ms. Smith will share her bullying experiences and talk about how they empowered her as she journeyed into beauty pageant competitions.
PARENTS... Please DO NOT brush this workshop off because it takes place during the Christmas Break. This is the perfect time for our youth to be empowered and equipped to handle bullying issues should their arise or continue when school resumes.
For more information, contact PMG at (757) 202-3264 or
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 3:20 AM
Delicious "Knocking Out Cancer" cake made by Farm Fresh (Holly Point)
Live art piece designed by Brittney Heckstall
Artist Brittney Heckstall (in pink jacket) presenting live art painting
to raffle winner Sharmetra Pittman
I want to thank all who blessed Powerhouse Media Group (PMG) with your presence at our 2nd Annual PINK Party last night. We got pinked out for breast cancer by showing up and being engaged in educating and empowering our community about the disease that affects mothers, daughters, fathers, brothers, neighbors, coworkers, club members... EVERYONE (in some form or fashion).
The presentations and performances by violinist Clara Huff, Ryan "Jenks" Jenkins, Allen Ellis & Out the Box Kidz, and Dianne Powell of Daughter Connection of Hampton Roads, Inc. (Breast Health Awareness)were passionate. The mistress of ceremonies Rev. Donita Edwards and the live art by Brittney Heckstall of B Inspired by Brittney Heckstall were amazing. The vendors including Crys Heckstall-Rice of P.I.N.K. (Proudly Investing 'N Kids), Traci Lynn rep Celeste Jones, Divine Designs by Rebekah Harris and Your Avon with Feona Sharhran Huff had a lot to offer. The food by Ang's Sushi and Stellar Enterprises & Associates as well as the desserts by Carolina Cupcakery and Farm Fresh were delicious. The raffles sponsored by SO Hope (Darlene Boyd), Poetic Souls Inc., Beyond Boobs (Mary Beth Gibson), The Beach College and Divine Designs were all the rave. The calendar giveaways and newspapers well received and greatly appreciated so thank you Beyond Boobs and Tidewater Woman.
It was an absolute honor to have Alexis Jay of Hot 91 FM to stop by and support our cause. A special THANK YOU goes out to the College of Beauty & Barber Culture for gifting us with the space to host the event and Raymond Shine of Shotstream Media for recording the pink party (FYI: It will be available for purchase on DVD).
Thank you to my promotions director Rebekah Harris and staff members Candis Sauls and Talishia A. Wright for giving the event a powerhouse touch.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) is very important - so is daily care for our health. As we go about today, tomorrow and so on, let's keep all breast cancer survivors, those who have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and the loved ones of those who finished their journey and are now resting, in prayer. Let us honor and respect their respective walks by investing in our health through exercising, entertaining a balanced diet, making and keeping regular doctor appointments, examining our breasts and getting mammograms, and educating ourselves (and others) about health matters.
Let me know what events you'd like to see PMG do in the future as it's our desire to always help you step into your power.
Happily pinked out,
Feona Sharhran Huff
Founder & CEO
Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 12:59 AM