Thursday, March 29, 2012
POWERHOUSE POINTER #48: Get Your Conversation On!
"An empowering conversation will elevate your mind, release million dollar ideas and strengthen your fellowship and friendship." - Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder and CEO, Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 10:26 AM
POWERHOUSE POINTER #47: Try Something New!
"Trying something new for the first time can indeed feel intimidating and scary. Not knowing if you're going to sink or swim with it may even cause apprehension to dive in. I'm here to tell you to do it anyway. Roll up your sleeves, get into track starter position and go for it. The key to it all is to try. Once you do it the first time and keep doining it, you will find that it gets much easier. Repetition is good for that. And, next thing you know, you will be a pro and encouraging someone else to endeavor a new thing. So, let's get going!" -Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder and CEO, Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 10:25 AM
POWERHOUSE POINTER #46: Take a "Time Out"
"We are all leading productively busy lives. However, let's not forget to take time to be still, reflect, take deep breathes and give thanks for a blessed life. For it is in these moments that we get recharged and empowered with ideas, solutions and hope to carry on." -Feona Sharhran Huff, Founder and CEO of Powerhouse Media Group
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 10:13 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Introducing.... Powerhouse Tees!
Powerhouse Media Group is elated to announce the creation of it's T-shirt and apparel line, Powerhouse Tees. When you wear a "Powerhouse Tee", you will truly feel the power that you possess to accomplish anything you set your mind to do. With vibrant colors and empowering messages, you'll want to rock a shirt everyday and for every occasion.
Thank you in advance for your support and purchase.
Here's to empowering you!
Feona Sharhran Huff
Founder & CEO
Powerhouse Media Group
"When you step into your power, you become a powerhouse"
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 7:28 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Make Your Mark!
Tonight's the NIGHT! In honor of Women's History Month and the women of the Bible who pleased God with the phenomenal and selfless things they did, I will be releasing a profound word on Beautiful Gate Ministry's "Release The Word" entitled "Make Your Mark". The details for showtime and call-in information are attached. I hope you will tune in.!/events/296082710458167/
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 11:04 AM
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
What We Need is More Self-Love
My heart is a bit saddened. I say that because one of my dear friends just shared that he buried his cousin today. The cousin was my age and had been murdered. When you love yourself, you couldn't possibly take another life. Let's work on loving ourselves a lot more now and everyday going forward. I'm giving myself a big hug right now.
# posted by Powerhouse Media Group @ 2:31 PM

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